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August 2015 - Asian Community & Cultural Center

New Breastfeeding Project Supports Mothers and Infants

The Asian Community & Cultural Center is excited to further our efforts to promote healthy lifestyles with funding from Partnership for Healthy Lincoln and in collaboration with Milkworks.  Within our staff, we now have four Breastfeeding Educators working in the community to provide support for mothers who speak Vietnamese, Karenni, Arabic, and Chinese. Ha Nhieu, our Vietnamese-speaking educator, shares about her experience of helping Vietnamese mothers, “I have one mom who has a baby that is 2 weeks old. I referred her to Milkworks to find out if she can take pain medication after her c-section. She also had pain while nursing and I told her that Milkworks could help her. I also helped her get a pump. When I tell other moms about my breast feeding training, they are so happy to get my advice.”  Our trained staff is always prepared to assist women who need help taking care of their new babies.  

At the Asian Community & Cultural Center, we actively promote healthy lifestyles and our collaboration with Milkworks to promote breastfeeding is a great addition to our exisiting health programs.  Some of our other programs include diabetes screening and education, funded by Community Health Endowment, and case mangagement with the Minority Health Initiative.

Promoting Fitness, Health at Events
In a recent effort to promote fitness, the Asian Center organized a Fun Run in June where our seniors and others ran or walked 3 miles around Holmes Lake.  The run, sponsored by Aetna Better Health of Nebraska, and also included learning Tai-chi in the park from the Lincoln Taiji Association.   We're grateful to Aetna for their support.

Currently, the Asian Center is in preparation for our biggest event of the year, the Harvest Moon Festival, scheduled for September 27th from 4-8 pm in Antelope Park.  Filled with fun, family-oriented activities, cultural arts performances, and food, the festival promises to bring a vibrant atmosphere and cultural awareness.  In keeping with our focus on pro-active health management, the event will also offer a health screening booth.  The festive evening will conclude with a lantern lighting ceremony. We invite the community to join us!